All Classes and Interfaces

Class for handling when a player chops wood.
Class for handling when a player digs.
Class for handling when a player mines blocks.
Class for handling "/sa" commands.
Class for handling writing files for a specified book.
Class to handle interactions with the plugin's config file.
Class for holding plugin wide constants.
Class for handling general file interactions.
Class housing all sorts of helpers for ingame Minecraft operations.
Class to instantiate an interactive inventory menu.
Interface for the IconMenu.OptionClickEvent class.
Class for handling when an item breaks.
Class for handling item magnet functionality.
Class to create the standard README book.
Abstract template class for IconMenu.
Class for sending messages to entities on the server or interacting with it.
Exception for when no filename was specified.
Class for handling player deaths.
Class for handling when a player enters a bed.
Class for handling player deaths.
Class for handling when a player joins the server.
Class for handling when a player joins the server.
Class for handling "/sa" commands.
Class for handling "/sa" command tab completions.
The plugin's main class/entry point.